How to display CGs

CGs -or Computer Graphics- are fullscreen images that illustrate important moments of the game.

You can add new CG in the admin panel in the Asset manager > CGs menu.

While scripting, CGs are displayed using the CG statement.


Display a CG image on screen or replace it with another one.

A CG is displayed above all the other elements (background image and characters)

A CG statement consists of a single logical line beginning with the keyword cg, followed by the location short code, followed by zero or more properties.

> cg first-encounter

To hide the cg:

> cg none

Optional parameters:


The transition animation used to change location.

Possible values:

  • dissolve: a gradual transition from the old CG to the new one. Even if this transition is not functional now and is replaced by none, it should be soon supported. You can therefore use it, knowing that it will look better in the future.
  • none: no transition, the CG disappears suddently
> cg first-encounter with dissolve


Define the alignment of the CG.

Possible values: centertop, bottom, left, right

> cg first-encounter at top

It is possible to combine values:

> cg first-encounter at top left


Add an effect to the whole stage, including the characters sprite

Possible values:

  • blur, blur light or blur heavy: blur the CG
  • grayscale: the CG is displayed in black and white
  • sepia: add a sepia filter to the CG
  • dark, dark light or dark heavy: darken the CG
  • brightbright light or bright heavy: brighten the CG
  • zoom, zoom light or zoom heavy: zoom in the CG, relatively x2, x1.5 and x3
  • flash: briefly display a white flash. By default, the flash is white but it is possible to define another color by adding the hexadecimal code of the color (ex: #ff0000, more here) or their CSS name (red, white...)
> cg first-encounter effect grayscale
> cg first-encounter effect flash #ff0000

It is possible to apply several effect at the same time by separating them with a coma.

> cg forest effect grayscale, rain

Some effects are not compatible together and cannot be applied at the same time: blur, grayscale, sepia, dark, bright.

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